All the essentials in a central 3 star hotel in Burgos
Los Braseros Hotel provides a large list of services to its customers among which free Wi-Fi internet is worth mentioning. Reception is open from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m., available for any question there may be. We also offer bilingual, cultural and touristic advice, for which the traveller can mark off the must-see charming parts of Burgos.
Our facilities have a paying parking for customer use under availability. In return, the car will be guarde 24h under a safe place. Burgos is very well communicated where you can easily move about the city using public transport.
What else can Los Braseros Hotel offer me?
- Left-luggage room until 12p.m.
- Dry-cleaning service
- Lift
- Wi-Fi Internet all throughout the building
- Banquet and conference rooms
- Picnic bags
- Café (24h) and restaurant (check opening times)
- Pets allowed with an additional cost